IoT Core MQTT Client
Available on the BSC-Pro from version 3.7.0
The "IoT Core MQTT Client" export module establishes the connection to an MQTT broker and publishes status messages under various topics.
Several export instances can be created, but only one instance per broker URL.
Messages are always transmitted as strings and are usually formatted as JSON objects.
The export connection can be created and the parameters configured in the IoT Export area of the web configuration or the BSC Remote.
TCP/SSL and web socket (http/https) connections are supported. Authentication is possible via user name and password or client certificate.
The corresponding certificates or access data can be stored during configuration.
It is possible to customize the basic topics for publishing news.
The topics are implemented on the basis of the "Resource Path" of the object types from the IoT Core Data Model. The "Base Topic" is always placed in front.
If the "Object Topics" option is activated, object messages are each sent in a subtopic. The topic is then made up of "Base Topic", "Resource Path" and the object ID. This option is ignored for DTO objects without ID support.