Azure IoT Core Client
Available on the BSC-Pro from version 3.7.0
The "Azure IoT Core Client" export module establishes a connection to the IoT Hub of an Azure Cloud via MQTT.
The device data is transferred according to the definition of the Simple IoT Core data model.
The IoT Logic Core data model is used to manage the logic functions.
Corresponding commands are defined in the IoT Command Core data model.
All objects are transmitted as telemetry messages. Commands can be transmitted to the gateway via C2D message.
The export connection can be created in the IoT Export area of the web configuration or the BSC Remote.
The parameters are filled in with the values contained in the "Connection String".
The "IoT Hub device connection string" is required.
Parameter | Default value | Possible values | Description |
Host | | | The host name of the IoT Hub instance. |
ID | <Hardware ID> | | The unique device ID which is used in the IoT Hub. |
Key | | | The device key from the IoT Hub. |
Watchdog Timeout | Disabled |
| If the connection is in a faulty or disconnected state for this period, the system is restarted. |
Refresh all objects after connect | Disabled |
| If activated, all objects are synchronized after each successful connection. After restarting the device, all objects are initially synchronized regardless of this setting. |
Send thing descriptions | Disabled |
| Control whether descriptions of the supported devices should be transferred. |
The update of the object data can also be triggered manually by command from the IoT Command Core.
Create device in the Azure IoT Hub
You must define a device ID. This can be freely selected, but we recommend using the hardware ID of the system. "Symmetric key" is selected as the authentication type. You can now save the device.

You can find the hardware ID of your system in the web configuration under System->Status.
Copy primary connection string
Now open the details page of the device by clicking on it in the overview. Now copy the primary connection string. This contains the information required in the configuration of the IoT Export module.

Create IoT export
The following fields from the "Primary connection string" are required. You can freely assign the name
Azure Connection String Field | IoT Export Parameter |
DeviceId | ID |
HostName | Host |
SharedAccessKey | Key |
Once you have filled in all the fields, you can save the connection. The connection will be displayed as online shortly afterwards. If this is not the case, please check that you have set all parameters correctly.