

The configuration is performed via the integrated WiFi Access Point, which is available in the configuration mode. The Wi-Fi network is displayed with the SSID SmartConn_<Devices MAC>.

Please use a smartphone or PC to connect to this Wi-Fi network. The configuration mode is activated in the delivery state. You can recognize this by the flashing LED. In operating mode, the LED is lit continuously.

To switch from operating mode back to configuration mode, the configuration button must be pressed for at least 5 seconds.

Configuration mode remains active for 5 minutes, after which the device automatically switches back to operating mode.

Web configuration

After connecting to the WiFi network, you will automatically be redirected to the web configuration. If this does not happen automatically, please open a web browser and enter the IP address in the address line.

Now make the desired settings here and save them via the "Submit" button. You can update the displayed data at any time via the "Reload" button.

Below the buttons you can view the firmware version of the EG32SC.

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The hardware and TCM ID of the EG32SC are displayed below the logo.

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The status LED can be deactivated in the lower area of the configuration.

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To configure the parameters, if any, of an interface, select the desired interface for the 1st and 2nd interface. The available configuration options are now displayed.

The connection between the 1st and 2nd interface is always bidirectional.

BSC Access Point

The "BSC Access Point" or short "BAP" interface uses the BAP protocol to communicate with a compatible server like the BSC-Connect, BSC-Pro or various Eltako systems.

Select "TCM" as the second interface and enter the IP of the server system.

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After you have saved the settings, the gateway should be listed in the list of available gateways on the server system a short time later.

With the BSC-Pro, new gateways must first be enabled. You can do this via the expert configuration in the gateway administration.

The FGW14, FGW14-USB and FAM14-USB interfaces can only be used together with a special expansion board. Please select this option only if you know how to use these interfaces.


The USB interface provides a serial interface via the Micro USB port.

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Socket Server

A TCP/IP socket server is provided via the socket server interface.

Set the server port to the desired port.

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Socket Client

A TCP/IP socket connection to a server is established via the socket client interface.

Set the server IP and the server port of the system to which the connection should be established.

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Smart Connector

The Smart Connector interface allows connection to the BSC Cloud and services available there.

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The EG32SC has a WiFi and LAN interface. These can be operated in parallel.

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You can choose to set the IP assignment manually or obtain it via DHCP.

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You can choose to set the IP assignment manually or obtain it via DHCP.

The available WiFi networks are displayed in the SSID selection. Select the network to be used and enter the password.

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In the SSID selection, the network "WPS" can be selected to configure the WiFi access via WPS.

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Hidden networks

If the SSID of your WiFi network is not visible, you can also enter the SSID and password manually to establish a connection.

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Updated 25 Mar 2024
Doc contributor
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