System settings
The configuration of the network cards can be adjusted via "System settings - Network settings".

In the delivery state, a device-specific password has been set. This can be found one the back of the device or in the printout of the license paper.

For more information on changing the password, please refer to the BSC-Connect manual.
Change password Immediately change the preconfigured password so that no unauthorized person can connect to the system.
The menu item "System settings - Date/Time" takes you to the dialog for adjusting the date and time.

If several monitors are connected, the assignment can be displayed via this menu item.
Via Display resolution, the resolution of the monitor can be set. This has only an indirect effect on the resolution of the overview window of the BSC-Connect.

The OSD keyboard menu item provides an on-screen keyboard in different languages.
For technical support assistance, the TeamViewer software was installed on the system.

BSC-Connect offers the German and English languages. When switching between languages, the system needs to be restarted.

If you would like to use your own background images or user-defined icons in the BSC-Connect software, you can transfer them from a USB stick to the BSC-Connect. The USB stick must be connected before the program is started, otherwise the indicator shows red instead of green and you cannot transfer any data.
The following folder structure must be set up on the USB stick:

By accessing the menu item "System settings - Data transfer," you can open the window "Data transfer." Simply put a check mark in front of "Import directory" and click on the "Import" button to copy all files from the "hc_import" folder on the USB stick to the hard disk. Similarly, selecting the "Export directory" will perform the same operation in reverse. The "Empty" button can be used to clear the "Import" or "Export" directory on the BSC-Connect, depending on the check mark.

If the GSM module is installed, you can make settings for the provider of the SIM card and set it up.